Code of Business Ethics and Integrity
Posted on June 24, 2019
The «Consejo Coordinador Empresarial»(Mexico), issued a series of basic principles for businesses to contribute to the fight against corruption.
ReadThe «Consejo Coordinador Empresarial»(Mexico), issued a series of basic principles for businesses to contribute to the fight against corruption.
ReadThis research, published by the Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE) and the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO), reflects how Mexicans perceive themselves and how they are perceived by the rest of the world in terms of corruption
ReadThis paper, written by Julia Bladinieres Justo, strives to surpass important corruption indexes by proposing a way to measure corruption based on quantitative data as opposed to qualitative data such as perceptions and experiences.
ReadCease-And-Desist order by the US Securities and Exchange Commission that concludes the company's foreign bribery case and imposes penalties including a fine of USD $144 M.
ReadAgreement with the Department of Justice that concludes the company's foreign bribery case and imposes penalties including a fine of USD $138 M.
ReadTo make a report never use a device of your own, your place of work or home, you can find the nearest public-use computer;
Download ToR Browser and install it. Once installed, launch ToR;
Using ToR, create a “disposable” e-mail account using your webmail service of choice (Gmail, ProtonMail, etc.); and
Using ToR -and only through your new, disposable account- send a message to info@streiner.mxcontaining all the information you wish to share, making sure to attach any evidence (pictures, documents, etc.)
Note: It is very important that you do not use ToR to access any other accounts related to you, and that you only use it to access the new disposable account.
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