About Streiner
Streiner is a team of professionals specializing in Anti-Corruption Law and integrity. We work with public and private organizations, assisting them in preventing and mitigating integrity risk.
We right wrongs to set business straight and on a straight path.
The most valuable contribution Streiner can make to an organization is to further its integrity culture.
Our job and our mission is to do everything we can to aid organizations in promoting integrity and fighting corruption. We are in the business of setting up and maintaining Anti-Corruption compliance programs within organizations.
We share a goal with all our clients; integrity. And we reach that goal using internationally recognized tools and techniques. Let us help you build and maintain a culture of integrity.
Learn about our servicesStreiner’s most valuable asset are its members.

Each and every member of our staff has profound integrity, enthusiasm and passion for encouraging a culture of integrity. In addition, our team has top-tier training and several years of professional experience in Anti-Corruption Law.
Our clients trust that -with the help of Streiner- their team works in perfect compliance with the law, and thus avoids complicated proceedings and expensive fines from the authorities.
We advocate for professionals with a calling.

We believe that profound social change can only come from a committed society. This is why our members have actively participated in several areas of community service, such as: the founding of Anti-Corruption academic organizations in international universities; teaching at a graduate level; and participating in several speaking engagements on Anti-Corruption. In addition to this, our director is a senate-ratified candidate to the office of Anti-Corruption Prosecutor General.
If you feel Streiner can help the organization where you, or someone you know, works please feel free to review our services or reach out to us.